Motorcycle theft is a well-known problem but there are ways to protect your bike and by following these 7 simple tips you can absolutely keep your motorcycle safe from thieves.
Use Multiple Locks
Don’t rely only on the built-in steering lock because thieves can break them quite easily. Instead use a combination of locks such as disc lock, chain lock and U-lock.
This smart protective action will make it almost impossible for thieves and steal your motorcycle.
Install an Alarm and Tracking Device
Alarms have the power to scare away thieves by drawing attention to them when they try to mess with your motorcycle and with the help of a tracking device you can recover your motorcycle if it was stolen.
Some trackers use advanced GPS technology which allowing you to locate your bike anywhere at real time.

Park in Secure Lighted Areas
Always try to park your motorcycle in a visible and well lit area where there’s a lot of traffic and also If possible use secure parking lots dedicated for motorcycles which may offer additional security features like CCTV surveillance.
Cover Your Motorcycle
Using a motorcycle cover not only protects your bike from the weather but also makes it less attractive to thieves.

Ground Anchors For Motorcycle
Install a ground anchor at your home parking spot if you ark outside your garage or if you don’t own one. This anchors are fixed into the ground and provide a strong immovable point to which you can lock your motorcycle.
Keep Your Motorcycle Documentation Safe
Always keep your motorcycle documentation such as the registration and insurance papers in a safe place and not with the motorcycle, it will prevent thieves from having access to these sensitive documents if they manage to steal your bike.

Be Aware of Your Keys
Don’t ever leave your keys in the ignition even if you’re stepping away for just a moment and always take your keys with you, be careful about where you keep your spare keys and no mater what you do avoid hiding them on your motorcycle.